Our Story


Family-owned for four generations

Today, the company is led by the fourth generation of the Matt family, Fred Matt.  The focus of the company for the last 135 years has been to create beverages that delight our customers. The best part is enjoying one of our beers with you!

Photo: Nick Matt, Chairman (Left) & Fred Matt, President (Right)

Fred and Nick - Ribbon cutting
to now
1888 - Current Family-Owned
Founded in 1888 by FX Matt, followed by his son Walter J. Matt in 1951 and his grandson FX Matt II in 1980.
1920 We Want Beer picketing men

Prohibition is called for under the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. The brewery survives by producing Utica Club soft drinks and several other non-alcoholic drinks. Other Utica breweries close.

Prohibition is repealed
Old UC can and repeal letter

The West End Brewing Co. is the first in the nation to obtain a license and the first to sell beer, Utica Club.

Introducing Schultz & Dooley
Shultz and Dooley

Walter Matt sees the need for modern marketing and advertising. The company introduces Schultz & Dooley, the "spokesmugs" of Utica Club, along with commercials featuring the voice of Jonathan Winters, which helped to increase sales by more than 50%.

Brewery Tours
UC Tour promo ad

The brewery tour center is opened up to the public.

Where It Really Swings
Where it really swings Ad

The "Where It Really Swings" ad campaign is released, introducing a whole new generation to Utica Club.

The Beer Ball
Matts Beer Ball

The Brewery expands its product line with new brands Matt's Premium, Maximus, and Fort Schuyler. An Innovative new concept, the Beer Ball, is developed and takes the Northeast by storm.

The Boilermaker
Boilemaker and UC Light

The Boilermaker 15k Road Race is established.

Utica Club Light, one of the first light beers is introduced.

Saranac 1888 Released
Saranac 1888 Packaging

F.X. Matt begins to focus on the burgeoning craft movement and releases a new lager called "Saranac 1888", named for the upcoming 100th anniversary of the brewery.

Voted top premium lager
Saranac Lager Gold Medal

Saranac Adirondack Lager is judged the top premium lager at The Great American Beer Festival. The Saranac brand becomes the company's flagship brand.

Adirondack Trail Mix
Saranac Trail Mix

F.X. Matt introduces the first variety craft beer mixed pack, called Saranac Adirondack Trail Mix, which features 4 distinctly different styles of beer based on heritage recipes.

1888 Soft Drinks
Saranac Soft Drinks

The brewery re-introduces Saranac "1888 Soft Drinks", based on original recipes, earning awards and gaining new fans around the globe.

Brewery Expansion

$56M Brewery Expansion complete. Brewery adds new brewhouse, tank farm, and additional can line.

Clouded Dream IPA
Clouded Dream Award Winner Banner

Clouded Dream IPA wins 4 Gold Medal

Flying Dog Acquisition
Flying Dog Logo

FX Matt purchases longtime contract partner, Flying Dog Brewery.

Francis Xavier Matt comes to the United States from Germany when he is 19 years old. He went to work for Carl Bierbauer's Columbia Brewery.
F.X. Matt reorganizes the Bierbauer Brewery to form the West End Brewing Co., the smallest of Utica's 12 breweries, with 12 employees and a production of 4,000 barrels of beer annually.
Prohibition is called for under the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. The brewery survives by producing Utica Club soft drinks and several other non-alcoholic drinks. Other Utica breweries close.
Prohibition is repealed. The West End Brewing Co. is the first in the nation to obtain a license and the first to sell beer, Utica Club.
Walter Matt sees the need for modern marketing and advertising. The company introduces Schultz & Dooley, the "spokesmugs" of Utica Club, along with commercials featuring the voice of Jonathan Winters, which helped to increase sales by more than 50 percent.
The brewery tour center is opened up to the public.
The "Where It Really Swings" ad campaign is released, introducing a whole new generation to Utica Club.
The Brewery expands its product line with new brands Matt's Premium, Maximus, and Fort Schuyler. An Innovative new concept, the Beer Ball, is developed and takes the Northeast by storm.
The Boilermaker 15k Road Race is established.Utica Club Light, one of the first light beers is introduced.
F.X. Matt begins to focus on the burgeoning craft movement and releases a new lager called "Saranac 1888", named for the upcoming 100th anniversary of the brewery.
Saranac Adirondack Lager is judged the top premium lager at The Great American Beer Festival. The Saranac brand becomes the company's flagship brand.
F.X. Matt introduces the first variety craft beer mixed pack, called Saranac Adirondack Trail Mix, which features 4 distinctly different styles of beer based on heritage recipes.
The brewery re-introduces Saranac "1888 Soft Drinks", based on original recipes, earning awards and gaining new fans around the globe.
Clouded Dream IPA wins 4 Gold Medals.
FX Matt agrees to purchase Flying Dog
FX Matt agrees to purchase Flying Dog